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RWE Pembroke Battery

RWE is progressing proposals for RWE Pembroke Battery, a battery energy storage system on RWE’s land adjacent to Pembroke Power Station.

Battery energy storage is an important component of RWE’s decarbonisation ambitions for the site, enabling energy generated at times of excess production to be stored efficiently for release at times of lower production, or increased demand.

This will help support the renewable energy transition as energy generated can be stored for when then sun isn’t shining, or wind isn’t blowing, instead of having to rely on gas and other non-renewable energy sources. 

Our Proposals

RWE Pembroke Battery would be located on a 5.1-hectare area on RWE’s land adjacent to Pembroke Power Station and would comprise of 212 Battery Containers, 106 Power Conversion Systems enabling connectivity to the grid, and associated infrastructure.

The battery would have a maximum charge / discharge power of 350 MW, and will connect via underground cables to the grid at the adjacent National Grid 400 kV substation.

Once fully operational, RWE Pembroke Battery would be capable of storing enough electricity to meet the average daily domestic energy needs of more than 72,000 typical UK homes.

As part of the planning application, RWE has undertaken a wide range of environmental and technical assessments to understand any potential impacts of the development on the local community and environment.

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Indicative layout of a battery energy storage system

These assessments have been considered and have supported the ongoing iterative design process ensuring a layout that incorporates mitigation where required.

RWE put health, safety and environmental protection at the heart of all its developments and is committed to incorporating robust safety measures into the design. This includes encompassing features such as self-contained units for each battery, where all equipment will be monitored, maintained, and operated in accordance with best practice and comply with industry standards.

To learn more, please view the draft planning documents online in the Documents Library.

Statutory pre-application consultation

As part of the statutory consultation process, RWE held a 28-day pre-application consultation period from Monday 17th June 2024, with feedback accepted until 11:59pm on Wednesday 17th July 2024.

You can learn more about our proposals at the ‘Virtual Consultation’ and view the draft planning documents online in the ‘Documents Library’.

Supporting a renewable energy future

The transition to a future powered by renewable energy will require an increased reliance on energy storage technology. Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, are weather dependent, but by storing excess energy generated during sunny or windy periods, a battery energy storage system can support a more consistent and sustainable renewable energy output.

Electricity is consumed in real time and this technology will, where possible, enable homes and businesses to be powered by renewable energy - even when the sun isn’t shining, or the wind isn’t blowing.

Battery energy storage technology helps to enhance grid stability, smoothing out the variability of renewable energy sources by providing a quick response to sudden changes in demand or generation.

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This will contribute to a more resilient energy system, while strengthening the UK’s energy security as we transition to a renewable energy future.

Our vision for Pembroke Net Zero Centre

Pembroke Net Zero Centre has a critical role to play in Wales and the UK’s pathway to Net Zero. By decarbonising its current operations at Pembroke Power Station, while investing in new innovative technologies, such as battery energy storage and hydrogen generation, RWE can establish Pembroke at the forefront of South Wales’ low-carbon future.

Together these new technologies will be part of, and contribute to, RWE’s vision for Pembroke Net Zero Centre - a hub of low-carbon innovation and clean energy generation that will help to decarbonise the energy sector in Wales for generations to come.

Pembroke Net Zero Centre logo | RWE

Our proposals for RWE Pembroke Battery form part of this ambition and will support projects that form part of RWE’s vision for Pembroke Net Zero Centre to deliver a more consistent and reliable generated power supply.

RWE’s ambitions for Pembroke Net Zero Centre will build on Pembrokeshire’s local energy heritage, safeguarding existing jobs at the site, while delivering a significant local economic investment and creating new jobs throughout construction and operation.

Pembroke Battery

Project team

Write: Freepost PNZC Consultation