RWE Pembroke Green Hydrogen Project 1 would be located on RWE’s site to the west of Pembroke Power Station and will benefit from being well-screened by local communities, while being accessed via the current power station access road. As part of the planning application, RWE has undertaken a wide range of assessments to understand if there are any potential impacts of the development on the environment and local community.
Our proposals would comprise a 100-110MWe electrolysis plant, as well as associated infrastructure and a 1.5km pipeline to connect to nearby industry. Once operational, the site will be capable of producing 2 metric tonnes of hydrogen every hour.
Use of this hydrogen in local industry is expected to directly result in the reduction of approximately 93,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions each year. This CO2 saving is the equivalent of removing 18,600 cars from the road each year.