A hydroelectric dam beside a river, with large rocks and a blue turbine visible in the water.
Glen Noe hydropower scheme | RWE in the UK

Hydropower from Scotland

Glen Noe hydropower scheme

Site location

A detailed map showing the Glen Noe area, marked with red and black lines, featuring contour lines and geographical labels.

Project status

Consented by Argyll & Bute Council in September 2016, Glen Noe Hydro Scheme (2MW), located within the Glen Noe Estate, near Loch Etive in the west of Scotland, is now operational. Construction of the powerhouse, 3km of buried pipeline and three intake weirs for the run-of-river scheme began in 2019 and, following completion of the grid connection in January, export of electricity commenced in February 2021.

The scheme has the capacity to provide sufficient renewable electricity to power up to 1,436* average homes each year.

RWE will provide a community fund of £3,000 for each year for the operational lifetime of the project to Taynuilt Community Council.  


*Equivalent homes supplied is based on an annual electricity consumption per home of 4100 kWh. This figure is supported by recent domestic electricity consumption data available from The Digest of UK Energy Statistics and household figures from the UK Statistics Authority.



Export of electricity commenced in February 2021


Within the Glen Noe Estate, near Loch Etive in the west of Scotland

Installed capacity

2 MW

A wooden building with a metal roof, set against a mountain backdrop. The landscape is rocky and partially cloudy.

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RWE Generation UK

Earn House
Broxden Business Park

Nicholas Taylor

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