A serene view of offshore wind turbines standing tall in calm waters, reflecting sunlight under a clear sky.
Gwynt y Môr offshore wind farm

Offshore wind farm

Gwynt y Môr

Gwynt y Môr is a 576 megawatt offshore wind farm located in the Irish Sea off the coast of North Wales, 13 kilometres at the nearest point to shore, 16 kilometres from Llandudno, and 18 kilometres from the Wirral. Commissioned in June 2015, it comprises 160 wind turbines of 150 metres (490 ft) tip height.

The wind farm produces enough clean energy a year to power 467,000 households, equivalent to cutting 1.7 million tonnes of CO2 emissions a year.

Project status: In operation

Facts and figures


wind turbines

00 kilometres

off the North Wales coast

00 kilometres

from Llandudno

Power for over 00

average UK households

£ 00 million

Community benefit fund

June 00


Community fund

The associated Gwynt y Môr community fund is an exciting opportunity to make a long term impact on the sustainable development of North Wales.

Over the lifetime of the project (which we expect to be up to 25 year), it will invest over £19 million into projects across North Wales.

Children in a park hold colourful pinwheels under a bright blue sky, surrounded by greenery and a playground in the background.

Fund administration

The fund is administered by Community & Voluntary Support Conwy (CVSC) in co-operation with Denbighshire and Flintshire councils for voluntary services. Full details about the fund criteria, the area of benefit, application process and who has received funds so far...


Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited is an Unincorporated Joint Venture between RWE (50% shareholder), Stadtwerke München GmbH (30% shareholder) and Macquarie GIG (20% shareholder).