Tom Glover, RWE UK Country Chair responds to the Government's AR6 announcement:
RWE welcomes the Government’s decision on the administrative strike prices for renewables technologies bidding into Allocation Round 6, and its recognition of broader international global supply chain and inflationary cost pressures within the clean energy sector.
We also welcome the decision to revert to a separate allocation pot for offshore wind in AR6, which should help to secure future capacity towards the UK’s 50GW by 2030 target. The timely and efficient deployment of renewables remains the lowest cost and best way of achieving the UK’s domestic energy security, as well as net zero.
Today’s announcement represents a positive step towards maximising the UK’s clean energy potential, for ensuring sustained lowest prices for consumers and creating good quality jobs. Beyond this, reference prices and budget levels now hold the key as to how much capacity is procured during the next auction and in support of the Government’s deployment ambitions, and we will await further news on this.