A boat navigates through water near offshore wind turbines under a clear sky.
Gwynt y Môr offshore wind farm

In development | Offshore Wind Farm

Awel y Môr

Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm is being developed as an extension to the existing Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm. It is located approximately 10.5km off the north Wales coast in the Irish Sea, with a maximum total area of 78km2.

The project is now fully consented, having received its Development Consent Order and necessary marine licenses in September and November 2023 respectively.

The maximum number of turbines will be between 34 and 50, with a maximum tip height of 332m. The precise number of turbines and their exact dimensions will be decided later in the development process.

If you have any questions about the project please contact us!

Facts and figures

34 - 00


00 kilometres

off the North Wales coast

00 square kilometres

maximum total area

Many parts of the project have been defined including the offshore cable corridor, cable landfall location, onshore cable corridor, potential sites for temporary construction compounds, and the substation location. However some aspects of detailed design are still to be resolved.

Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm is owned by RWE Renewables (60%), Stadtwerke München (30%) and Siemens’ financing arm, Siemens Financial Services (10%). RWE is leading the development of the project on behalf of the project partners.

For more information visit the project website

Josh Morris

Stakeholder & Communications Officer

Welsh Projects

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