The path towards carbon neutrality is irreversible. In particular, the past five years have been decisive, with the adoption of The Sustainable Development Goals, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement. The way we generate power is changing fundamentally. Today, power generation is still carbon intensive. We all agree that this has to change.

RWE is driving this change; we are now one of the world’s leading renewable energy producers.

Since 2012, RWE has reduced emissions by more than 50%, and expects to achieve around 70% by 2030. There’s still a long-way to go but the direction of travel is clear, and RWE has set the ambitious target to achieve net zero emissions by 2040.

With an extensive investment and growth strategy, the company will expand its powerful, green generation capacity internationally and expects to invest up to €8 billion net in the UK by 2030 in new and existing green technologies and infrastructure as part of this. Here you will find the projects under development in the UK.

* The term “country” contains states, provinces and territorites and is used without prejudice to the RWE AG position on the status of any given country or region.

Renewable Power Purchase Agreements

With PPAs, your company can benefit from steady and predictable costs.



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