Offshore wind turbines standing tall in the ocean, with yellow foundation visible against a cloudy sky.
Rampion offshore wind farm

In development | Offshore Wind Farm

Rampion 2

Rampion 2 is being developed as an extension to the existing Rampion Offshore Wind Farm, off the Sussex coast.  

Covering 125km2 across two seabed areas, the wind farm array would be located 13km offshore at its closest point to the Sussex coast and make landfall at Climping Beach, just to the west of Littlehampton.

Project status: In development

Facts and figures

Up to 00

wind turbines

00 kilometres

off the Sussex coast

Power for over 00

average UK households

Rampion 1 and Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farms combined will produce enough power to be able to provide electricity to all the homes in the whole of Sussex twice over. 

The onshore cables will be undergrounded for the entirety of the route and will take the power under agricultural land and the South Downs National Park, to a new substation at Oakendene near Cowfold. Transmission cables will transport the power a short distance to the final connection point at National Grid’s Bolney Substation. The project has an agreement for 1200MW to connect into Bolney Substation in 2028/29. 

For more than two years, the Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm team has consulted local communities, statutory and expert organisations, and local interest groups.  It has also undertaken a range of engineering and environmental surveys to help inform the proposals.

Rampion 2 is a joint venture between RWE Renewables, the major shareholder (50.1%), and its partners a Macquarie led consortium (25%) and Enbridge (24.9%).