A panoramic view of multiple wind turbines on a rolling landscape under a partly cloudy sky.
Onshore Wind

In development | Onshore Wind Farm

Enoch Hill 2

We are currently exploring the potential of building two additional turbines on land neighbouring our existing Enoch Hill Wind Farm, near New Cumnock. East Ayrshire, Scotland. This will be a separate planning application and include the possibility of battery storage. The turbines would have the same approximate dimensions as Enoch Hill and will be up to 149.9m in height. We are at the early stages of design and development on this proposal at would welcome feed back from the local community. 

Project status: In development

* The picture on top is an example of Bowbeat Onshore Wind Farm *

Facts and figures

Up to 00 MW

Generating capacity


Turbines with battery storage

Project progress in 00


Latest information

Application submitted

We have now submitted our planning application to East Ayrshire Council. As such, this now starts the period of formal consultation. The planning documents are listed on this page under the “Planning Documents” drop down tab. They are also available to view on the East Ayrshire Planning website at www.east-ayrshire.gov.uk/PlanningAndTheEnvironment/Planning-applications. The application will be registered under reference 23/0469/PP. Please send any representations directly to East Ayrshire Council and should be received no later than 2nd October 2023, although the council may still consider representation received after this time.

Planning Documents

Nicholas Taylor

Stakeholder Manager

Scotland Onshore

If you have any questions about the information presented here, please email us.