Enoch Hill

Enoch Hill is located in East Ayrshire near to the village of New Cumnock. Image for illustrative purposes only

Project Information

The 15 turbine site is located in East Ayrshire near to the village of New Cumnock. This project is close to our other developments in the area, including Lorg. When built, it will be capable of producing up to 70MW of electricity.

Since launching its proposals, RWE has worked closely with the community and undertaken extensive consultation to understand local concerns. RWE will continue to liaise with them via the Community Liaison Group for the next stage of this project.

Please contact Nicholas Taylor to express an interest in joining the group.

Facts & figures


Number of turbines

00 MW

Generating capacity

Power for 00

average UK households*

*Calculated using average household electricity consumption (3,509kWh) (source: ofgem).

Latest Information

October 2023

We have now reached the end of our first year in construction, achieving over 100,000 manhours with no Health & Safety related lost time incidents (LTIs). All access tracks, Crane hardstands and turbine foundations have now been completed for construction purposes and are in the process of being capped ready for Wind Turbine component deliveries. 

We have already completed a partial delivery trial run along the A76 and B741, a 2nd is due to take place on 29th July 2024 along the A76 testing the recent road upgrades we have completed in the last few months, in readiness for turbine component deliveries to commence on or around 1st August 2024 (which subject to final approvals from the local authorities). All deliveries will be taking place during the nighttime to minimise disruption to road users and residents. We expect deliveries to run between 1st August 2024 and 1st November 2024.

Turbine erection works are due to commence on 5th August 2024.

Thank you for your patience during this construction period. If you have any questions please contact Nicholas Taylor.

Community Liaison Group (CLG)

We have set up a Community Liaison Group which will allow open dialogue between members of the RWE/ Farrans construction team and representatives of the community. As the project progresses through construction, RWE is keen to receive feedback directly from the community and as such a CLG provides a useful pathway for that information.

If you are interested in joining the group, please contact the RWE team for more information.

The second CLG meeting took place on 14th May at the New Cumnock Bowling Club, the minutes can be found below.

Community Benefit

RWE is committed to supporting the communities that neighbour our wind farms and in 2022 alone we invested £4.5m into the communities that surround our renewable energy projects.  We have a strong track record of engaging local communities in the process of deciding how each fund should be structured and administered.  We have a long history of engaging with communities in the New Cumnock area, where the wind farm is located, throughout the process of developing and operating several other wind farms over many years.

Enoch Hill Wind Farm, once operational, will bring with it an annual community fund worth up to £350,000 per year, index linked, for the operational lifetime of the wind farm.

We are closely following the work of the 9CC group, including their development of an area wide strategic action plan, and are also aware of the work local communities, including New Cumnock, have undertaken to develop their own local community action plans. We will be carefully considering how funds from Enoch Hill Wind Farm could add value to these plans.

At this stage it is important to stress that no decision has been made about how the funds from Enoch Hill Wind Farm will be administered and distributed. This decision will only be taken after an extended period of consultation with the communities that neighbour the wind farm.  Consultation with a wide range of stakeholders is a cornerstone of both RWE’s usual approach, and the Scottish Government’s good practise principles in delivering benefits from wind farms.  RWE’s experience in this field shows the importance of direct developer engagement with a wide cross section of the local community, to make sure we have considered all different views on which communities should benefit from the fund, and the distribution and decision-making model. This is especially important when considering how funds might be shared at a more regional level. Any proposed funding delivery model will also need to be reviewed in line with RWE’s internal processes and compliance rules.

To develop the Enoch Hill Wind Farm Community Fund, RWE plans to complete the following steps:

  • Throughout the construction period of Enoch Hill Wind Farm – ongoing engagement with local individuals, community organisations, community councils, businesses etc to understand views on how the fund should be delivered

  • Autumn 2024 – a consultation will take place, with a range of methods, for local individuals and community organisations to engage with RWE to give their views

  • Spring/Summer 2025 – RWE will communicate the results of the consultation, which will include plans for the fund administration

The first community benefit payment will be made once the project enters commercial operations, currently envisioned for summer 2025.

To register your interest in the community fund ahead of the consultation, please contact RWE’s Community Investment Manager:

Kathryn Harries

Community Investment Manager

In your community

Funding sustainable communities

Read more

Initial Application

Variation 2020

Nick Taylor
Nick Taylor

Nicholas Taylor

Stakeholder Manager

Scotland Onshore

If you have any questions about the information presented here, please email us.

Enoch Hill Onshore Wind Farm

Project team

If you have any questions Enoch Hill Onshore WInd Farm, please email us.